yogic exercises

Yogic Exercises For Healthy And Beautiful Hair

7 Yogic Exercises For Healthy And Beautiful Hair

For beautiful hair, you eat a balanced diet, wash your hair with quality shampoo, condition the hair after every wash, and nourish your tresses with nutritious oil. But you need to do more like protecting your hair from pollution and sun. Hair is the most fragile and sensitive part of the body. Also, it is exposed to foreign materials like dirt and grime.

Strengthen Your Hair

Do you know Yoga has asana to strengthen your hair? It is true that yoga can come to your rescue if you are struggling to keep your hair healthy. There are seven asanas that you can practice at home and keep your hair healthy and voluminous.

Advantages of yoga

Improve blood flow to your head and scalp
Boost body metabolism that further boosts internal health
Drives stress out of body and mind so you are relaxed
Massages internal organs so they work at their optimal level

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Benefits: It improves blood circulation which is good for the growth of healthy hair. Also, it releases stress by stretching the neck and spine. It improves digestion by compressing abs muscles. This asana calms the mind by relaxing the tensed nerves.

How To:

• Come down on your fours and make a tabletop position
• Stretch your hands a little and strengthen your knees to make an inverted-V shape
• Bring your hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart and toes pointed straight ahead
• Press your hands into the ground and keep your neck lengthened
• Look at your navel and hold the pose while taking long deep breaths

  1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Benefits: It produces a rush of energy to the cells in the head. The energy is needed to quite a buzzing mind so you take a sound sleep. Also, it massages the digestive system which further boosts the consumption of nutrients in the body.

How To:

• Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and hands by your sides
• Bend your torso and fold it over your legs
• Your body should hinge from your hips and not the lower back
• Put your hands next to your feet on the ground
• Hold the pose for a couple of seconds

  1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Benefits: It improves digestion and excretion that will flush out toxins from your body. It involves chest expansion that relieves trapped stress. Also, it improves balance and posture. For women, it is a good asana for regulating the menstrual cycle and releasing ovarian tension.

How To:

• Come down on your knees with your legs hip-width apart and hands by your sides
• Slowly reach our palms to your toes and hold your toes firmly
• Stretch your spine towards your feet
• Lengthen your spine so it makes a circular pose so your eyes get fixed on the ceiling

  1. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Benefits: Its biggest advantage is it eliminates constipation. Also, it brings stability to the mind and relieves spinal tension … Find more

Yoga Asanas To Bring Your Hips And Thighs In Good Shape

12 Yoga Asanas To Bring Your Hips And Thighs In Good Shape

If you are dreaming of improved buttocks and fuller thighs then yoga can help. Stretching exercises can strengthen your hips and thigh muscles. Also, they will make your body more flexible. The advantage of yogic exercises is that they require no weight training or additional accessories. Also, the results achieved through yoga asanas are always exciting and long-lasting to reduce fat from thighs.

There are 12 yogic exercises that you can practice at home and get stunning results. Also, you need little training for doing the exercises.

Here’re the yoga asanas for improving your buttocks and thighs


Utkatasana For Thighs & Hips

It stimulates and strengthens muscles in the legs, hips, and thighs. The pressure exerted on the muscles tones the hips and thighs.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hands by your side
• Bend your knees to come in a half-sitting position to start
• Stretch your arms over your head
• Hold the position for as long as you can

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II

The biggest advantage of this exercise is it works both legs at the same time. Also, it strengthens the muscles that are often left by other exercises.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulder-length
• Open your arms and turn to your right without bending your knees
• Bend your right knee and stretch your left leg
• Stretch your left leg as much as you can and put pressure on the right knee
• Balance your body with arms and keep your back straight
• Maintain the pose for as long as you can


Natarajasana Yogic Exercise

It stimulates hip flexors and stretches the inner and outer thigh muscles. It will tone all your muscles from your pelvis to your feet.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hands by your sides
• Stretch your right leg behind and fold the knee
• Reach your right hand to the toe of the right foot and hold it
• Stretch your left arm forward and make a Gyan Mudra
• Maintain the pose according to your endurance


Ustrasana Exercise

It works on the pectoral muscles the hip flexors. It tones the thighs, especially the front part. You will find your hips and frontal thighs strengthened and toned after exercising.

How To:

• Come down on your knees with your back straight and hands by your sides
• Stretch your chest and reach your hands to your feet at your back
• Try placing your palms over your feet by stretching your chest and neck
• Maintain the position according to your endurance

Upavistha Konasana

Upavistha Konasana

Give the posterior part of your legs a good stretch with this exercise. Also, it works on inner thighs making them beautiful. It builds strength and enhances flexibility as well.

How To:

• Sit with your legs stretched as wide apart as you can
• Now try stretching your upper body to the ground
• Or you can simply … Find more