10 Yoga Asanas For Irregular Periods

Yoga For Irregular Periods

Irregular periods could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. But it will be too early to make an opinion on the irregularity of your periods before you see a doctor. There are many reasons for your periods becoming irregular & somehow can be cured by yoga.

What Are Irregular Periods?

What Is Irregular Periods?

Typically menstrual periods last four to seven days and occur every 28 days. If your periods come before 21 days or later than 35 days, your periods are irregular. While a slight delay of a couple of days is acceptable, it could be a cause of concern if the irregularity becomes more intense and frequent.

Here’re The Reasons That Cause Irregularity In Periods

  • Periods remain irregular in the first year or two of puberty
  • Periods become irregular during early pregnancy
  • Excessive stress or extreme weight loss or weight gain can cause irregular periods
  • Irregular periods could be the start of menopause
  • Certain medical conditions like thyroid function can cause irregular periods

When To See A Doctor?

There is little to worry about a short delay of a few days in your periods because it is normal. But you shouldn’t ignore irregular periods if they are frequent. You need to discuss irregular periods with your doctor in the following conditions:

  • You are under 45 years of age and your periods suddenly become irregular. It shows that there is an underlying condition affecting your menstrual cycle.
  • You experience periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days. It could be due to a medical condition.
  • Your periods last more than 7 days. It is abnormal and you must see a doctor to stop blood loss and regularize your periods.
  • If the difference between your periods is 20 days or longer, you should see a doctor to find the reason behind your irregular periods.
  • If you are unable to achieve pregnancy due to irregular periods, you should take the help of a doctor.

Could Irregular Periods Be Controlled?

Yes, irregular periods can be controlled with lifestyle changes, taking healthy food, and medicines, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is affecting your menstrual cycle.

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle isn’t always a problem. It could be due to stress and anxiety. Or it could be due to your weight loss exercises. You should first investigate the change that is affecting your menstrual cycle. Also, you can try some home remedies to regularize your menstrual cycle.

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods?

Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods

You can try maintaining an ideal weight according to your height and age. Also, you can take a balanced diet. Or you can try yoga. Some asanas can help regularize your menstrual cycle and reduce suffering as well. These asanas can even fix some common ailments like reducing the levels of testosterone and massaging your reproductive organs.

Yoga is quite helpful for women who … Find more

Turn Your Home Into A Yoga Studio With Following Tips And Tricks

Home Into A Yoga Studio

Yoga is the best exercise because it requires little space, training, and accessories. You can join a gym for yoga training and practice the exercises at home. Or you can simply learn yoga online from YouTube videos and do exercises at home.

How to turn your home into a health studio?

For yoga, you need peace of mind and it is something you can hardly get at home. But the good thing is that there are many ways to turn a nook or corner of your home into a yoga center. You need a yoga mat and some props that can be made from your home furnishings. And once the settings are made, you can start doing yoga at home.

Find space for yoga….

Yoga requires little space that is about the size of your mat. You remain confined to your yoga mat through the exercises. Take your mat to every nook and corner of your home to check where it fits decently.

But setting your yoga mat in a nook or corner of your home is the half-job done as you need to make a commitment to yourself. Forget everything that lies outside your yoga mat at least for the duration of the yoga exercises.

Doing yoga with earbuds….

Things that distract your mind enter your brain from your ears. As soon as you hear a sound like a phone ringing, dog barking, or a family member yelling, you get distracted. But the same sound could be used to focus your energy on yoga.

Take advantage of the power of music to drown yourself in exercises. There are many apps like Apple Music and Spotify that will help achieve mental peace needed for focusing on exercises.

Set your mood right….

Earbuds will close your ears for distracting sound but distraction could enter your mind through other sense organs like eyes and nose. For example, bright light could be a distraction and so is a foul smell.

You can turn off bright lights to enhance your focus or simply close your eyes to cut off your connection to the physical world. For smell, you can light a scented candle or dab some essential oils onto your skin, if there’s a little crowd at your home.

Create your own props….

It is difficult to do yoga exercises without props but there’s little need to buy expensive accessories when you can home furnishings as props. For example, a couch cushion can be used as a bolster and a scarf for a strap.

Similarly, canned products like food items can be employed as blocks for doing balancing acts and as additional weight. And these are household items easily available in every home.

For example, a yoga teacher suggests using toilet paper rolls for supine poses. Similarly, you can check more ways to convert your household items as props for doing yoga exercises.

Create a rope wall….

It seems difficult but you can re-create the lower ropes with a long strap or you can … Find more