weight loss

How Healthy Food For Summer Change Your Lifestyle

If you need some ideas for healthy options for your summer friendly diet, while it’s tempting to pick up potato salad, or fried chicken, those foods are generally pre-packaged and full of sodium and fat. Bunch of green vegetable are available to fulfill your list of healthy food for summer.

Why healthy diet is needed during summer?

Luckily, summer time is the perfect time to buy seasonal fruits like cherries, which are to be healthy and tasty as well. The mercury is soaring. Indeed if you’re working from home, there are veritably high chances that you’re formerly feeling tired and fatigued. The trick is to eat healthy and drink lots of fluid with good food can give your major health benefits with good and bad foods with major prospective during summer.

Water containing food is the best way to treat the scorching sun without any feeling hot and disturbed with good quantum of food.

Here is the list of healthy food for summer; we’ve rounded up some and easy ways to prepare them for the topmost health benefits.

Include This Watermelon In Your Summer Diet List

Include This Watermelon In Your Summer Diet List

Summer is also the season to enjoy mangoes, watermelons, and musk melons. So, what are you waiting for? Make sure to have lots of fruits in your summer diet. Eating seasonal fruits will go a long way in giving you a healthy feeling during this scorching heat. No summer food list can start without this amazing water containing summer fruit that is watermelon.

  • Besides being the ultimate provider of water, this fruit has lycopene, which has the property of guarding skin from sun damage. Also, due to its high water content, it’ll keep you full for a long time.

Healthy Food For Summer Seasonal Friendly Diet

Healthy Food For Summer Seasonal Friendly Diet

Flash back your grandmother’s special summer mess that included aam-panna, khichdi- kadhi, raw moong dal. The best way to have a balanced summer diet is to go seasonal and eat original. One must include onions in the diet as it helps in precluding heat strokes.

  • Also, make sure to have cucumbers as its seasonal and thanks to its water content, it comes across as a health option.

Ready For Corn

Ready For Corn

This summer make sure have enough room for this amazing vegetable to eat in summer. Well, corn contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These are two antioxidants that are well known to cover from the dangerous ultraviolet rays.

  • And does n’t forget that this sweet corn is always a delight to have! Also, you can try is tasty corn on the cob. Have it without adding butter and salt. It’s rich in fiber too.

Avocado Is Healthy Food For Summer

Avocado Is Healthy Food For Summer

Avocado is one of the summer foods to include to your list. It’s known to ameliorate digestion, help osteoarthritis, reduces depression etc. It’s a protean fruit that’s rich in monounsaturated adipose acids, which helps reduce bad cholesterol. Besides these, Avocado … Find more

Yoga For Irregular Periods

10 Yoga Asanas For Irregular Periods

Irregular periods could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. But it will be too early to make an opinion on the irregularity of your periods before you see a doctor. There are many reasons for your periods becoming irregular & somehow can be cured by yoga.

What Are Irregular Periods?

What Is Irregular Periods?

Typically menstrual periods last four to seven days and occur every 28 days. If your periods come before 21 days or later than 35 days, your periods are irregular. While a slight delay of a couple of days is acceptable, it could be a cause of concern if the irregularity becomes more intense and frequent.

Here’re The Reasons That Cause Irregularity In Periods

  • Periods remain irregular in the first year or two of puberty
  • Periods become irregular during early pregnancy
  • Excessive stress or extreme weight loss or weight gain can cause irregular periods
  • Irregular periods could be the start of menopause
  • Certain medical conditions like thyroid function can cause irregular periods

When To See A Doctor?

There is little to worry about a short delay of a few days in your periods because it is normal. But you shouldn’t ignore irregular periods if they are frequent. You need to discuss irregular periods with your doctor in the following conditions:

  • You are under 45 years of age and your periods suddenly become irregular. It shows that there is an underlying condition affecting your menstrual cycle.
  • You experience periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days. It could be due to a medical condition.
  • Your periods last more than 7 days. It is abnormal and you must see a doctor to stop blood loss and regularize your periods.
  • If the difference between your periods is 20 days or longer, you should see a doctor to find the reason behind your irregular periods.
  • If you are unable to achieve pregnancy due to irregular periods, you should take the help of a doctor.

Could Irregular Periods Be Controlled?

Yes, irregular periods can be controlled with lifestyle changes, taking healthy food, and medicines, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is affecting your menstrual cycle.

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle isn’t always a problem. It could be due to stress and anxiety. Or it could be due to your weight loss exercises. You should first investigate the change that is affecting your menstrual cycle. Also, you can try some home remedies to regularize your menstrual cycle.

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods?

Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods

You can try maintaining an ideal weight according to your height and age. Also, you can take a balanced diet. Or you can try yoga. Some asanas can help regularize your menstrual cycle and reduce suffering as well. These asanas can even fix some common ailments like reducing the levels of testosterone and massaging your reproductive organs.

Yoga is quite helpful for women who … Find more

Outer Thighs Exercise

Try This Outer Thigh Workout To Maintain Your Figure

Everyone in this world want a perfect figure and good body posture at last, they’re trying lots of exercise with all virtuousness and hard work out. Outer thigh workout is a great combination as they’re muscle groups that are largely requested when it comes to strengthening and toning.

When you are getting older and your body shape are getting change for the perfect shape you have to train your body with good exercise and good food that help you to gain perfect shape.

“Our bodies move in different directions, not in one direction, so it’s important to mimic that during cross-training, these outer thigh workout areas in a quick and effective way that’s great for all fitness situations.

Tone your shanks, outer thigh workout with these best low impacts, bodyweight exercises.


Squat Exercise

Improve strength and mobility by getting seriously low in these squats. Squeezing those glutes at the top of the move will give you more bangs for your buck, too.

Lateral Step Out Squat For Outer Thigh Workout

Lateral Step Out Squat For Outer Thigh Workout

We promise you’ll feel this one fire up the hips, glutes, and thighs. However, place a resistance band around your ankles to increase the resistance with each step, if you’re impervious to the burn.


Plank Exercise

Plank form is everything, if you want to do outer thigh workout then plank is best for you. Do them right and you’ll hit the lower body, while toning up your core and shoulders, too.

Fire Hydrant Is Best Outer Thigh Workout

Fire Hydrant Is Best Outer Thigh Workout

Keeping your hips refocused towards the ground and leg bent to a 90- degree angle, raise your left knee out to the side as high as you can, This mobility is best for warm- ups it helps you to maintain a killer booty shaper as well.

Lying Leg Lift

Lying Leg Lift

Lie flat on your stomach, with your forehead resting on your hands. No, no, it’s not a sleeping time. But it’s your last move in this outer thighs workout dynamic body series. We’re hitting those glutes from all angles, and never missed this dynamic part of your exercise.

Bent Leg Kickback For Outer Thigh Workout

Bent Leg Kickback For Outer Thigh Workout

Begin in table top position on your knees with forearms down. Engage those glutes as you lift your right leg straight back and over to the sky, keep your foot flexible. Lower back down with control and repeat 20 times and switch your sides after every interval.

Mini Band Knee Openor

Mini Band Knee Openor

Place the mini resistance band above your knees, this move can also be done without the resistance band. Lay on your right side, knees bent back, bases together, with your body resting on that right elbow. Keep your bases touching as you lift that top knee over and back. Lower and repeat 20reps.

Legged Bridge Is One Of The Important Outer Thigh Workout

Legged Bridge Is One Of The Important Outer Thigh Workout

Start this outer thigh exercise in a ground position with reverse position on the mat and legs bent at 90 degrees. Place … Find more

High Protein Foods

How Protein Works In Your Body With The Help Of High Protein Foods

Protein is one of the three macronutrients, along with cranks and fat. Protein is made of a good source of protein and their significance is great for other with all constituents and their all outgrowth with all major benefits like high protein foods without containing good substrate. Generally speaking, animal products are considered “complete protein” because they contain all the essential amino acids in the optimal quantities that your body needs.

The protein equation is basically based on the DRI of 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight; or 0.8 grams per kilogram, a 150- pound (68- kg) person would need about 54 grams per day.

All contain substrate with all goodness and their benefits hits the target about all high Protein foods

Best Protein Foods

In your body, protein performs the following places

  • Protein is the main element of your muscles, bones, skin and hair. These tissues are continuously repaired and maintenance with new protein.
  • Hormones Chemical messenger proteins allow cells and organs in your body to communicate with each other.
  • Most enzymes are proteins, and the thousands of chemical responses that take place throughout your body are driven by them.
  • Transportation and storage are some proteins help deliver important notes where they’re demanded. For illustration, the protein hemoglobin carries oxygen to your body’s cells.

Eggs Are A High Protein Foods

Eggs Are High Protein Foods

They’re a good source of protein that’s easy to absorb, and they’re also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Whole eggs are packed with selenium and vitamins B12 and A. They’re also rich in choline, a nutrient that’s especially important during gestation and breastfeeding because it plays critical places in growth and development.


Eating Almonds

They’re also high in factory- grounded protein. Eating almonds may profit your health in several ways, including by lowering heart complaint threat factors like high LDL (bad) cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Chicken Come In The List Of High Protein Foods

Roasted Chicken

Chicken bone is also very protean and easy to cook. It can taste succulent in a wide range of dishes. Try adding sliced funk bone to salads, stir- feasts, and mists to make these dishes more filling.


Salmon With High Protein

Salmon may be known for its healthy fats that support heart health, but this food contains a hefty portion of protein too. Eating fish at least twice a week also adds variety to your daily protein gyration.

Lentils Are Best High Protein Foods

Lentils Are Best High Protein Foods

For the ultimate factory-grounded protein, turn to hearty lentils, Not only are they loaded with this crucial macro, but they’re packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals.… Find more

Yoga For Back Pain

Pain Relieving Yoga For Back Pain

If, your are also suffering from back pain and your pain is increasing day by day, with increasing minutes, for that pain relief you have to do something with the help of yoga for back pain.

For relief, you can do yoga daily if you’d like, but if you’re doing yoga for back pain, start with just a couple times per week. Also, many suffered people find it useful to throw this back pain from their daily life.

You can start your pain relieving journey with the help of this yoga for back pain and work all day.

Child’s Pose

Child's Pose Yoga

“Child’s pose takes the pressure off your lower back by protracting and aligning the spine, which decompresses it and gives you a nice stretch.

How to

  • Kneel on your mat with your knees hip width and your feet together behind you. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale laid your torso over your thigh.
  • Try to lengthen your neck and spine by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone and the crown of your head away from your shoulders.
  • Rest your forepart on the ground, with your arms extended out in front of you.
  • Hold it for 1 – 2 minutes.

Cat/Cow Pose Yoga For Back Pain

Cat Pose Yoga For Back Pain

“This is presumably everyone favorite Yoga for back Pain. It allows for a nice flexion and extension of the spine, promotes mobility, and” it also helps to just relieve any pressure in the back side area.” Cat/ cow also help you get familiar with what your neutral spine is not too arched and not too rounded which can help to maintain the posture.

How to

  • Start with all fours and your shoulders over your wrists and hips over knees.
  • Take a slow inhale, and on the exhale, round your spine and drop your head toward the bottom( this is the cat posture yoga).
  • Inhale and lift your head, chest, and tailbone toward the ceiling as you arch your back for cow.
  • Do this every single day for 1 – 3 minutes.

Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Yoga Pose

Sphinx yoga pose creates a nice natural curve of the lower area of the body, It also engages your abs a little, which is helpful for supporting the lower area of your body.

How to

  • Lie down with the help of your stomach, legs together and straight out behind you.
  • Place your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms on the bottom as you lift your chest up off the bottom.
  • Press your hips and thighs into the bottom, and suppose about dragging your spine while keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • Sit up just enough to feel a nice stretch in your lower area of body. Do not hyperextend, and stop incontinently if you start to feel any discomfort or pain.
  • Hold this position only for 30 – 60 seconds.

Plank Is Universal Yoga For Back Pain

Plank Is Universal Yoga For Back Pain

Although this is not exactly a stretchFind more

Best Dip Exercises

10 Best Dip Exercises For Muscular Chest, Back And Shoulders

Back dips exercise are the best workouts for improving chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps muscles. And you can make it more challenging by adding weight to your body.

Here’re the 10 best back dips exercise with variations and weight

Bench Dips

If you want to expand your chest, and strengthen shoulders and triceps front, then you should practice bench dips.

Bench Dips

How To:

• Stand straight with an exercise bench placed firmly on your back
• Reach your hands to the bench by bending your knees
• Increase your grip on the bench and firm your feet on the floor to start
• Lift your body using your triceps and shoulders and come down
• Do 3 sets of 12 reps each

Parallel Bar Back Dips Exercise

If developing chest and improving shoulders is your only goal, then you should try parallel bar dips. This exercise will broaden your shoulders.

Parallel Bar Dip

How To:

• Stand straight between a parallel bar
• Hold the bars firmly with your hands
• Lift your body and bring it down using your hands
• Keep your back straight and head up while lifting your body up and down
• Cross your heels to maintain balance
• Go slow and focus on your triceps and shoulders
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each with a 10-second rest between each set

Straight Bar Dips

It is a challenging exercise but it is good for your chest, upper back, and triceps. It will widen your upper back, expand your chest, and strengthen your shoulders.

Straight Bar Dip

How To:

• Stand straight before a bar that of the height of your chest
• Grab it with both of your hands
• Take a deep breath to start
• Lift your body above the bar for as much height as you can
• Cross your knees while lifting your body to maintain balance
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each with a 10-second break between each set

Korean Back Dips Exercise

Here the challenge goes a level up than the straight bar dips. But it works great for the lower back, glutes, and abs. Also, it will improve balance.

Korean Dip

How To:

• Stand straight with a bar up the height of your lower back placed at your back
• Reach your hands to the bar and grip the bar with firm hands
• Take a deep breath to start
• Lift your body with the pressure of your forearms
• Cross your legs to maintain balance as your body is lifted up
• Reach your body to a comfortable height and come down slow
• Do 3 sets of 9 reps each with a 10-second break between each set

Plyometric Back Dips Exercise

It is a variation of bench dips but it can work well for developing triceps muscles and strengthening chest and shoulder muscles.

Plyometric Dips

How To:

• Stand straight with a firm table placed at your back
• … Find more

Burn Hip Fat Naturally

10 Ways To Burn Hip Fat Naturally

If your hips are flabby then blame it on your lazy lifestyle. It could be due to pregnancy or for any other reason. If you have bulky buttocks, you will have multiple problems like shaky movements and even pain in the lower back.

But you don’t need to worry about the hip fat as you can burn it by tweaking your lifestyle a little. Here’re 10 things you can do to tone up your hips and make them look beautiful.

  1. Stay Hydrated
Stay Hydrated

Water can flush out toxins from your body and boost your metabolism that will burn excess fat. Drink a cup of water every hour to stay hydrated and see positive changes in your skin color, brain function, and weight. If you want, you can add herbs like cinnamon to water to enhance its flavor.

  1. Early Morning Lemon Water
Early Morning Lemon Water

Lemon water is a fat mobilizer. It contains Vitamin C flushes out harmful free oxygen radicals and boosts immunity. Also, it balances the internal pH level.


Add half-lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water to make lemon juice. For taste, you can add 1 tsp of honey to it and drink it empty stomach early morning.

  1. Early Morning ACV
Early Morning ACV

Drink apple cider vinegar (ACV), if you find lemon water too sour to drink. ACV is a natural drink with proven benefits in weight control. But its acidic properties could cause acidity.


Add 1 tsp of ACV to a glass of lukewarm water to make the ACV drink. For flavor, you can add 1 tsp of honey to it and drink fresh early morning.


Soak 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water. Leave it overnight and strain the water in the morning. Add 1 tsp of ACV to it and drink fresh.

  1. Sea Salt Solution
Sea Salt Solution

A poor digestive system could lead to constipation and weight gain in the long run. If you can clean your colon or large intestine, you can prevent the development of constipation and weight gain. Sea salt has laxative properties that can clean your colon and improve digestion. Use unrefined sea salt for better results. People with hypertension, kidney, and liver problems should avoid seal salt solution


Add 2 tsp of sea salt to a glass of lukewarm water and drink it early morning.


Add half-lime juice to a glass of lukewarm water and add 2 tsp of sea salt to it and drink it empty stomach.

  1. Black Coffee
Black Coffee

A cup of pure black coffee without sugar or cream can help lose pounds in a short time. It acts as an appetite suppressant. If you drink it 30 minutes before a meal, it will cut your food intake to almost half. Also, the chlorogenic acid in coffee boosts metabolism and cuts fat absorption. You can drink 2 cups of black coffee a day.

  1. Green Tea
Green Tea
green tea with leaf

Green tea has antioxidants that flush out toxins and boost body metabolism. Also, green tea improved … Find more

Alexandra Daddario Does To Make Life Beautiful

5 Things That Alexandra Daddario Does To Make Life Beautiful

It took Alexandra Daddario 15 years from landing her first role as a victimized teen Laurie Lewis in the ABC daytime soap opera All My Children in 2002 to Summer Quinn in the American action-comedy, Baywatch, in 2017 to become a style and fitness icon.

I always loved storytelling,” said Alexandra Daddario


Alexandra Daddario decided to become an actor at the age of 11. She further stated that she could’ve done anything as she had all opportunities. She was studying at Marymount Manhattan College when she felt a passion for making a career in acting and dropped the college to pursue a full-time acting career.

For acting, she learned the Meisner acting technique for years and became an outstanding actress ready to accept challenging roles like horror, science fiction, and comedy. Soon she proved that she’s a multitalented actress. Her music video song “Radioactive” surpassed 1 billion views on YouTube.

With acting, she also maintained her figure and beauty. Her quick and surprising rise in the competitive film industry proves that she’s a fitness enthusiast. Her role in Baywatch could be taken as her fitness example. She worked out a lot to put on weight to fit into the swimsuit designed for Summer Quinn.

For Baywatch, I started doing weight training,” said Alexandra Daddario

weight training

Summer Quinn was a demanding role for a lean Alexandra Daddario. She had to work hard to feel strong to become a savior. And she said that she started doing the weight training she had never done before. She further stated that she noticed a huge difference in her body type. She called the transformation amazing she went through while preparing for Baywatch.

Patrick Murphy, her fitness trainer, ramped up her workouts to four to five days a week. The hour-long high-intensity workouts with free weights, sliders, and resistance bands made her feel strong and confident. During filming, said Alexandra Daddario, she felt for the first time in her life, she had real abs.

Alexandra Daddario still does high-intensity workouts with her trainer twice a week to maintain the fitness achieved during the Baywatch movie. Also, she does yoga a lot. She said that yogic exercises helped her manage anxiety and get sound sleep. And feeling mentally good was as important as feeling good physically, said Alexandra Daddario. It was only due to her dedication to fitness that she bagged the role of Summer Quinn in Baywatch.

But Alexandra Daddario couldn’t do a high-intensity workout without taking a healthy diet

She doesn’t stress too much about food and eats when she feels hungry. The 5’10” Baywatch star says that she listens to what her body needs. She prefers a natural diet but, says Alexandra Daddario, it would become difficult for one to resist eating too much sugar if one gets too hungry and doesn’t give oneself what she needs sometimes. Her focus is on being healthy and not obsessing over food.

For example, Alexandra Daddario loves eating eggs and doesn’t mind using butter Find more

Hailee Steinfeld’s Trainer Dad Is The Secret Of Her Perfect Body

Hailee Steinfeld’s Trainer Dad Is The Secret Of Her Perfect Body

It is only Hailee Steinfeld that can boast of performing 3,000 crunches a day because of her trainer dad, so she have perfect abs. Her father, Peter Steinfeld, is a personal trainer. Also, her paternal uncle, Jake Steinfeld, is a personal trainer. So, fitness runs into her family and there should be nothing surprising in her doing thousands of crunches a day.

Hailee Steinfeld stands 5 ft 9 inches tall, weighs around 59 kg, and her body measurement is 34/27/35

Hailee Steinfeld Height

The Oscar-nominated actress gives the credit of her fitness and attractive body shape to her trainer dad. She said that she always had a pretty relationship between fitness and health. She further said that her father had a positive influence on her since she could remember.

Hailee Steinfeld said that for her it was about feeling good first and looking good second. She said that she looked good if she felt healthy from the inside.

Hailee Steinfeld started acting at a tender age (10) and since then she has been living a hectic life running from one shoot to another and promoting brands and her upcoming films. And she gets all the energy from the workouts she practices daily. Her trainer dad helps her tone her body and stay active.

Hailee Steinfeld has well-toned legs, arms, and abs and it is possible only when she sweats out regularly in a gym. While others could have to struggle a lot to get their body in shape, Hailee Steinfeld is lucky to have a trainer father who can help her with all his knowledge and experience as a celebrity trainer.

But Hailee Steinfeld doesn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about workouts as she once said that running wasn’t her favorite exercise. But she was fine in the gym, said Hailee. It is only her dad who can tell how does she maintain her fitness.

What is Hailee’s opinion about her fitness?

Hailee Steinfeld Abs

Hailee once said she did 3,000 crunches a day. Also, that she could run a marathon faster. She even compared her speed with that of Shalane Flanagan, the Olympic medalist, and New York City Marathon champion. These revelations look crazy but she’s serious about her opinion.

To keep things simple and make her revelations realistic, she said that she kept everything she loved in her mind to keep going. In other words, she always has a positive mind that keeps her energy level high all the time. Crunches are good for abs and her abs are fully developed but then even Jennifer Lopez who also has beautiful abs never made claims about doing thousands of crunches.

What does Hailee learn from her father?

Hailee learn from her father

Hailee said that she worked out with her father and during workouts, she used to tell her father the goal she wanted to achieve. And her father helped her achieve those goals. One day she asked her father to suggest exercises to develop abs and her father suggested doing 3,000 crunches a day, … Find more

Emma Roberts Life & Career

Emma Roberts Eats Snacks, Exercises Yoga, And Reads Books

If Emma Roberts wants a cupcake, she gets it even before completing her shoot. It isn’t that she’s a foodie, but that she’s confident to manage a little sweet with her balanced diet. Emma Roberts diet routine is very much perfect.

Those who know Emma Roberts say that she’s quite liberal in the selection of her food and exercises. While she always eats healthy but doesn’t mind tweaking her first of the day a little, if she’s a day off. And it is only Emma Roberts that can tweak her meals to suit her needs.

Emma Roberts has a secret confidence-and-happiness plan that keeps her medically healthy, physically fit, and mentally confident to accept challenges.

A quick look at Emma Roberts diet, life & career

Emma Roberts caught the attention of the media world at the age of nine when she debuted in a crime story, Blow (2001). This movie allowed her to set a firm foot in the highly competitive world of entertainment. But Emma Roberts never looked back after setting foot in the movie industry.

Emma Roberts Life & Career

Today Emma Roberts is experienced in all types of roles from crime to drama and from horror to romance. Or it will be much better to say that she fits into every role she’s offered. Presently she’s working in a romantic comedy film, About Fate, where she is cast with Thomas Mann, Lewis Tan, Anna Akana, and Madelaine Petsch.

Emma Roberts kept growing with age and experience. She started as a child artist and then moved to accept lead roles. As she got to experience, she started looking for mature roles and she achieved success in every role. Most of her movies were successful and success in movies made her a fashion icon in the fashion world.

Before you know about diet and exercise of Emma Roberts, you should know about her body measurement

• Height: 5 ft 2 in / 157 cm
• Weight: 112 lb / 51 kg
• Breast: 31 in / 81 cm
• Waist: 23 in / 59 cm
• Hips: 29 in / 76 cm

Her body measurement shows that she’s a good height, ideal weight, and right figure. And she only needs to maintain the figure. It is where the magic of a personal confidence-and-happiness plan works.

Emma Roberts eats healthy but she never says no to food. And when it comes to indulgence, she always follows her heart. Similarly, she’s choosey with her exercises. For example, she likes Pilates more than others.

Emma Roberts Diet

Emma Roberts has two diet. One for shooting and another for holidays. During shoots, she drinks juice for breakfast and she prefers Spirit Dust of Moon Juice. But on colder days, she drinks iced coffee to wake up. And she smilingly says that hot coffee doesn’t work for her.

Emma Roberts Diet

But when she’s at home with no assignment to go on, she prefers classic breakfast food. This is the time when she enjoys eggs and bacon and Find more