A CTM routine is a trusted beauty routine because it addresses all concerns including pollution, excess oil, dryness, acne, and pigmentation. CTM stands for cleansing, toning, and moisturizing, and it well for all skin types and conditions. It can bring some improvement to your face but you need to add natural skin glow foods to your diet for a complete makeover.

For example, take fresh water you drink whenever you feel thirsty or dehydrated. It hydrates your body including skin. But do know drinking water can brighten up your skin and make it glow. Researchers have proved that drinking at least 2-3 liters of water every day has a positive effect on the skin. It increases the hydration level of the body and makes the skin glow naturally. Similarly, other natural skin glow foods can help improve your natural beauty.

Here are 10 natural skin glow food that can make your skin naturally healthy and beautiful

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish

Let’s start the list of natural skin glow food with fatty fish that are good in taste and high in nutrition, especially for the skin. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that help keep the skin supple and well moisturized. Fatty fish can also be a source of … Find more