Why Should You Be Conscious About pH Value Of Your Skin?


A healthy skin is acidic. On pH scale, its value is 5.5. It is good for you skin as it builds natural defense of skin against environmental factors that trigger aging. It develops friendly bacteria and checks growth of bad bacteria. Also, it minimizes loss of moisture.

Is your skin sensitive?

You can check your skin condition like sensitive and dry by paying a close attention to its reaction to cosmetics and other external factors.

• A sensitive skin reacts quickly to soaps, detergents, perfumes and everything that the skin comes into contact with. There would be dryness, rashes, itching, or redness on the skin. And exposure to sun and wind could worsen the condition.

• A dry skin could be sensitive as well and this combination could trigger breakouts or cracks on skin.

• Sensitive skin often develops bumpy rashes or produces dry flakes, if anything like a cream is left on the skin.

• People with sensitive skin often develop breakouts similar to acne with red bumps.

Which cosmetics suit to Indian skin?

cosmetics suit to Indian skin

In India, you face a mix of humidity, dust, dirt and pollution that can clog your skin pores and exposure to UV rays could lead to pigmentation and aging process. Development of redness, blemishes and dryness on skin is an indication of damage to the natural barrier of skin. It is no more within the pH value of 5.5.

How to keep your skin healthy with pH 5.5?

It is better to a Paraben and Phthalate free cleansing bar and moisturizer with a pH of 5.5. You can also use a multiprotectant sunscreen, lip balm and lifting eye cream to enhance skin’s natural protective barrier. Similarly, your shampoo should be gentle with pH 5.5 and free from irritants. Alkaline soap and shampoo can break the … Find more