
Intimate Women Hygiene Products

Female Intimate Hygiene Products Needs Of Every Women

Maintaining hygiene should be an essential part of the daily. Outline for everyone female when it is about intimate hygiene, the importance increases irrespective of gender, age and other factors. If you are looking for female intimate hygiene products essentials for women, the list includes both regular and menstrual hygiene products. There are even special kits available for intimate hygiene to help women stay happy stay healthy.

Maintaining hygiene should be an essential part of the diurnal. And, the significance increases irrespective of gender, age and other factors. There are indeed special accoutrements available for intimate hygiene to help women stay happy stay healthy.

However, the list includes both regular and menstrual hygiene products, If you’re looking for Female intimate hygiene products essentials for women.

Menstrual Cup

Menstrual Cup

Over the span of just three cycles, an applicable menstrual cup can save your money. And switching to a cup can incontinently reduce the number of disposable tampons or pads you’d naturally toss in the trash. The menstrual cup for you largely depends on your deconstruction. Before using permanently testing menstrual cups because it’s easier than utmost to fold, fit and remove.

Panty Liner Female Intimate Hygiene Products

Panty Liner Female Intimate Hygiene Products

Ages frequently make an unexpected appearance. So, an unexpected leak is a common event. And in order to avoid similar embarrassing situation, one can make use of panty liners. If you want to go for a long trip you’re ready for outing and want to enjoying a fun weekend brunch date with the girls. Suddenly you feel some discomforting stuffiness down there. By the time you rush to the restroom and check, the vaginal fluid has formerly stained your undergarments and your suitable dress. Instant mood are getting spoil well, a humble aseptic panty liner could have saved you from that disaster. It’s thin and feather light, comes in discreet packaging, and can last long for hours.



While intimate wash are a life essential for some female intimate hygiene products, for others it’s an option they’ve only slightly considered. It’s true that you don’t absolutely need an intimate wash as the vagina is a self cleaning organ. But it’s the sensitive skin outside that calls for the use of an intimate liquid wash like the V-Wash. A healthy vagina contains the bacteria lactobacillus. This bacterium produces high situations of lactic acid, which makes the vagina slightly more acidic and promotes its capability to fight off bacterial infections. Some of the infection symptoms include an odd smell, inordinate quantities of white discharge, and latterly, increased chances of catching STIs, amongst other health issues. V -Wash contains lactic acid for those who may not be suitable to produce it in high enough amounts. It helps retain vaginal health to avoid any gratuitous issues in the future.

Toilet Paper Female Intimate Hygiene Products

Toilet Paper Female Intimate Hygiene Products

Having a restroom with a high seat is a great mobility addition … Find more

Yoga For Irregular Periods

10 Yoga Asanas For Irregular Periods

Irregular periods could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. But it will be too early to make an opinion on the irregularity of your periods before you see a doctor. There are many reasons for your periods becoming irregular & somehow can be cured by yoga.

What Are Irregular Periods?

What Is Irregular Periods?

Typically menstrual periods last four to seven days and occur every 28 days. If your periods come before 21 days or later than 35 days, your periods are irregular. While a slight delay of a couple of days is acceptable, it could be a cause of concern if the irregularity becomes more intense and frequent.

Here’re The Reasons That Cause Irregularity In Periods

  • Periods remain irregular in the first year or two of puberty
  • Periods become irregular during early pregnancy
  • Excessive stress or extreme weight loss or weight gain can cause irregular periods
  • Irregular periods could be the start of menopause
  • Certain medical conditions like thyroid function can cause irregular periods

When To See A Doctor?

There is little to worry about a short delay of a few days in your periods because it is normal. But you shouldn’t ignore irregular periods if they are frequent. You need to discuss irregular periods with your doctor in the following conditions:

  • You are under 45 years of age and your periods suddenly become irregular. It shows that there is an underlying condition affecting your menstrual cycle.
  • You experience periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days. It could be due to a medical condition.
  • Your periods last more than 7 days. It is abnormal and you must see a doctor to stop blood loss and regularize your periods.
  • If the difference between your periods is 20 days or longer, you should see a doctor to find the reason behind your irregular periods.
  • If you are unable to achieve pregnancy due to irregular periods, you should take the help of a doctor.

Could Irregular Periods Be Controlled?

Yes, irregular periods can be controlled with lifestyle changes, taking healthy food, and medicines, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is affecting your menstrual cycle.

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle isn’t always a problem. It could be due to stress and anxiety. Or it could be due to your weight loss exercises. You should first investigate the change that is affecting your menstrual cycle. Also, you can try some home remedies to regularize your menstrual cycle.

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods?

Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods

You can try maintaining an ideal weight according to your height and age. Also, you can take a balanced diet. Or you can try yoga. Some asanas can help regularize your menstrual cycle and reduce suffering as well. These asanas can even fix some common ailments like reducing the levels of testosterone and massaging your reproductive organs.

Yoga is quite helpful for women who … Find more

Yoga For Back Pain

Pain Relieving Yoga For Back Pain

If, your are also suffering from back pain and your pain is increasing day by day, with increasing minutes, for that pain relief you have to do something with the help of yoga for back pain.

For relief, you can do yoga daily if you’d like, but if you’re doing yoga for back pain, start with just a couple times per week. Also, many suffered people find it useful to throw this back pain from their daily life.

You can start your pain relieving journey with the help of this yoga for back pain and work all day.

Child’s Pose

Child's Pose Yoga

“Child’s pose takes the pressure off your lower back by protracting and aligning the spine, which decompresses it and gives you a nice stretch.

How to

  • Kneel on your mat with your knees hip width and your feet together behind you. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale laid your torso over your thigh.
  • Try to lengthen your neck and spine by drawing your ribs away from your tailbone and the crown of your head away from your shoulders.
  • Rest your forepart on the ground, with your arms extended out in front of you.
  • Hold it for 1 – 2 minutes.

Cat/Cow Pose Yoga For Back Pain

Cat Pose Yoga For Back Pain

“This is presumably everyone favorite Yoga for back Pain. It allows for a nice flexion and extension of the spine, promotes mobility, and” it also helps to just relieve any pressure in the back side area.” Cat/ cow also help you get familiar with what your neutral spine is not too arched and not too rounded which can help to maintain the posture.

How to

  • Start with all fours and your shoulders over your wrists and hips over knees.
  • Take a slow inhale, and on the exhale, round your spine and drop your head toward the bottom( this is the cat posture yoga).
  • Inhale and lift your head, chest, and tailbone toward the ceiling as you arch your back for cow.
  • Do this every single day for 1 – 3 minutes.

Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Yoga Pose

Sphinx yoga pose creates a nice natural curve of the lower area of the body, It also engages your abs a little, which is helpful for supporting the lower area of your body.

How to

  • Lie down with the help of your stomach, legs together and straight out behind you.
  • Place your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms on the bottom as you lift your chest up off the bottom.
  • Press your hips and thighs into the bottom, and suppose about dragging your spine while keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • Sit up just enough to feel a nice stretch in your lower area of body. Do not hyperextend, and stop incontinently if you start to feel any discomfort or pain.
  • Hold this position only for 30 – 60 seconds.

Plank Is Universal Yoga For Back Pain

Plank Is Universal Yoga For Back Pain

Although this is not exactly a stretchFind more


How To Make Organic Shampoo With Green Tea And Aloe Vera?

Green tea is good for health and aloe vera is good for skin but do you know that a combination of both can make a great haircare product? It will be your DIY shampoo that you can make at home if you drink green tea and have aloe vera in your kitchen garden.

But never mind if you don’t drink green tea and nor have aloe vera plant at home. And there’s little need to use fresh tea bags as you can use used tea bags.

Let’s start

• Take 200 ml of fresh water in a pan and put a used bag of green tea in it. Allow the tea bag to boiling for 25 minutes.

• Remove the pan from gas after the said time and let it cool. Add 200 ml of a good quality liquid soap to the boiled water and some aloe vera gel extracted from plant leaves. Also, add 1 tsp of olive oil to the boiled water.

• For fragrance, you can add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or rose to the solution. Since the mixture is free from chemicals found in commercial shampoos, you won’t require a conditioner after washing your hair with green tea.

• Simply rinse the shampoo through your hair and wash with cold water to get clean hair. Also, you can keep the DIY shampoo in a bottle for future use.

If you don’t drink green tea or have aloe vera at home, you can buy aloe vera plant and green tea bags to make DIY shampoo.

Disclaimer: Take care while mixing ingredients as the quality of the shampoo would depend on the concentration. Also, be careful of the side effects.… Find more

Soluble Or Insoluble fiber

Which Fiber Should You Take More – Soluble Or Insoluble?

Dietary fibers that pass through the digestive system without breaking down are part of plant-based food items. But they are categorized into two broad types – soluble and insoluble – for convenience of understanding their functions.

Soluble fiber dissolves in water as it is made largely of plant pectin and gums. But insoluble fiber doesn’t because it contains plant cellulose and hemicellulose. Also, most plant contains both types of fibers but their amount varies from one plant to another.

Fiber is important for a healthy digestive system and many other benefits

Advantages of soluble and insoluble fibers

Fiber makes a healthy diet and both types of fibers are great for a healthy gut and digestive system. But soluble and insoluble fibers work differently.

Soluble fiber makes a gel after dissolving in water and this gel has plenty of health benefits like improved digestion, reducing cholesterol level and checking blood glucose. And improved control over blood glucose will prevent development of diabetes.

Insoluble fiber adds water to stool so that it becomes softer and passes without putting any stress on the bowel movement. It improves bowel health by making it regular. Also, it improves insulin sensitivity and could prevent diabetes.

Dietary fiber is good for your gut and it can give many benefits, if taken in the right amount. But researchers are still exploring the health benefits of taking dietary fibers.

Here’re some of the biggest health benefits of dietary fibers

• Weight loss
• Prevent hypertension
• Balance cholesterol level
• Prevent hemorrhoids by regulating bowel movement
• Control blood sugar
• Regulate sanitation signals of the body
• Lowers risk of colon cancer, breast cancer and diabetes

If you increase your dietary food intake by two servings of the whole grain food, you can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by 21%

Risk associated with dietary fibers

Dietary fibers are good for your health especially gut but only when taken in the right amount and if you accidentally consume more fibers, you will experience side effects like abdominal bloating, gas and pain. These are some of the risks of overconsuming dietary fibers. But there’s little to worry as you can talk to your doctor about these painful symptoms and get medicines.

Increasing dietary fibers isn’t a bad idea but it has to be slow. Talk to your dietician about increasing your fiber intake and follow the doctor’s instructions. Also, you need drinking lot of water in order to have full benefits of the dietary fibers.

Fiber recommendations

Dietary fibers are important but you should know the right amount of fiber that can improve your gut health without causing any uncomfortable symptoms like gas and pain. But people either take less than or consume more of the recommended fiber diet.

Here’s the recommended fiber diet and it includes both soluble and insoluble fibers

• Men up to 50 years – 38 gm/per day
• Women up to 50 years – 25 gm/per day
• Men over 50 years – … Find more