10 Yoga Asanas For Irregular Periods

Yoga For Irregular Periods

Irregular periods could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. But it will be too early to make an opinion on the irregularity of your periods before you see a doctor. There are many reasons for your periods becoming irregular & somehow can be cured by yoga.

What Are Irregular Periods?

What Is Irregular Periods?

Typically menstrual periods last four to seven days and occur every 28 days. If your periods come before 21 days or later than 35 days, your periods are irregular. While a slight delay of a couple of days is acceptable, it could be a cause of concern if the irregularity becomes more intense and frequent.

Here’re The Reasons That Cause Irregularity In Periods

  • Periods remain irregular in the first year or two of puberty
  • Periods become irregular during early pregnancy
  • Excessive stress or extreme weight loss or weight gain can cause irregular periods
  • Irregular periods could be the start of menopause
  • Certain medical conditions like thyroid function can cause irregular periods

When To See A Doctor?

There is little to worry about a short delay of a few days in your periods because it is normal. But you shouldn’t ignore irregular periods if they are frequent. You need to discuss irregular periods with your doctor in the following conditions:

  • You are under 45 years of age and your periods suddenly become irregular. It shows that there is an underlying condition affecting your menstrual cycle.
  • You experience periods more often than every 21 days or less often than every 35 days. It could be due to a medical condition.
  • Your periods last more than 7 days. It is abnormal and you must see a doctor to stop blood loss and regularize your periods.
  • If the difference between your periods is 20 days or longer, you should see a doctor to find the reason behind your irregular periods.
  • If you are unable to achieve pregnancy due to irregular periods, you should take the help of a doctor.

Could Irregular Periods Be Controlled?

Yes, irregular periods can be controlled with lifestyle changes, taking healthy food, and medicines, if you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is affecting your menstrual cycle.

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle isn’t always a problem. It could be due to stress and anxiety. Or it could be due to your weight loss exercises. You should first investigate the change that is affecting your menstrual cycle. Also, you can try some home remedies to regularize your menstrual cycle.

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods?

Best Home Remedy For Irregular Periods

You can try maintaining an ideal weight according to your height and age. Also, you can take a balanced diet. Or you can try yoga. Some asanas can help regularize your menstrual cycle and reduce suffering as well. These asanas can even fix some common ailments like reducing the levels of testosterone and massaging your reproductive organs.

Yoga is quite helpful for women who … Find more

Try This Outer Thigh Workout To Maintain Your Figure

Outer Thighs Exercise

Everyone in this world want a perfect figure and good body posture at last, they’re trying lots of exercise with all virtuousness and hard work out. Outer thigh workout is a great combination as they’re muscle groups that are largely requested when it comes to strengthening and toning.

When you are getting older and your body shape are getting change for the perfect shape you have to train your body with good exercise and good food that help you to gain perfect shape.

“Our bodies move in different directions, not in one direction, so it’s important to mimic that during cross-training, these outer thigh workout areas in a quick and effective way that’s great for all fitness situations.

Tone your shanks, outer thigh workout with these best low impacts, bodyweight exercises.


Squat Exercise

Improve strength and mobility by getting seriously low in these squats. Squeezing those glutes at the top of the move will give you more bangs for your buck, too.

Lateral Step Out Squat For Outer Thigh Workout

Lateral Step Out Squat For Outer Thigh Workout

We promise you’ll feel this one fire up the hips, glutes, and thighs. However, place a resistance band around your ankles to increase the resistance with each step, if you’re impervious to the burn.


Plank Exercise

Plank form is everything, if you want to do outer thigh workout then plank is best for you. Do them right and you’ll hit the lower body, while toning up your core and shoulders, too.

Fire Hydrant Is Best Outer Thigh Workout

Fire Hydrant Is Best Outer Thigh Workout

Keeping your hips refocused towards the ground and leg bent to a 90- degree angle, raise your left knee out to the side as high as you can, This mobility is best for warm- ups it helps you to maintain a killer booty shaper as well.

Lying Leg Lift

Lying Leg Lift

Lie flat on your stomach, with your forehead resting on your hands. No, no, it’s not a sleeping time. But it’s your last move in this outer thighs workout dynamic body series. We’re hitting those glutes from all angles, and never missed this dynamic part of your exercise.

Bent Leg Kickback For Outer Thigh Workout

Bent Leg Kickback For Outer Thigh Workout

Begin in table top position on your knees with forearms down. Engage those glutes as you lift your right leg straight back and over to the sky, keep your foot flexible. Lower back down with control and repeat 20 times and switch your sides after every interval.

Mini Band Knee Openor

Mini Band Knee Openor

Place the mini resistance band above your knees, this move can also be done without the resistance band. Lay on your right side, knees bent back, bases together, with your body resting on that right elbow. Keep your bases touching as you lift that top knee over and back. Lower and repeat 20reps.

Legged Bridge Is One Of The Important Outer Thigh Workout

Legged Bridge Is One Of The Important Outer Thigh Workout

Start this outer thigh exercise in a ground position with reverse position on the mat and legs bent at 90 degrees. Place … Find more

10 Exercises That Burn Side Fat Faster

Oblique Crunch

The excess fat on both sides of your waist is called muffin top but it isn’t difficult to remove this stubborn fat if you are ready to spend 20-30 minutes every alternate day on burning the side fat. You need to do some exercises at home to bring your waist back to its original shape.

Exercises For Reducing Side Fat

  1. Starfish

A variation for side plank, starfish exercise is considered the best activity to reduce side fat. It works on both sides of the waist and burns the fat faster.

How To:

• Come down in a side plank position while maintaining the balance
• Stack one foot on the other without disturbing the balance and extend both of your arms
• Lift the leg on the top and make it firm
• Try to touch the toes of the raised leg with your raised hand and return to the starting position
• Repeat it from the other side
• Do 15 reps from each side

  1. Side Plank Circles
Side Plank Circles

It is a great exercise for muffin tops, lower belly pooch, and love handles. It will also target your oblique muscles and tone your bum.

How To:

• Come down in a side plank position with one leg on top of the other and the lower knee closer to the floor
• Raise your top leg until it becomes horizontal to the floor
• Also, raise your hand to the ceiling to maintain balance
• Start making big circles with the raised leg
• More the leg 20 circles clockwise and 20 anticlockwise
• Repeat the movement with the other side

  1. Oblique Crunch
Oblique Crunch

The advantage of oblique crunch is that it targets both lower and upper belly fat. Also, it will be helpful in targeting the oblique muscles.

How To:

• Lie down on your back, lift your legs, and bend your knees so your calves become horizontal to the floor
• Slide your palms under your head with your elbows pointing outwards
• Lift your torso and bend your left elbow to touch your right knee
• Simultaneously push your right knee slightly back to your left elbow
• Repeat it with the right elbow and left knee
• Do 10 reps from each elbow

  1. Piked Elbow Twists
Piked Elbow Twists

This exercise was primarily introduced to fight love handles but it is also effective on oblique muscles and side fat.

How To:

• Lie down on a mat with your hands and legs in the opposite direction
• Raise your hands and legs to the ceiling
• Lift your torso until your body’s balance comes on your butt
• You can bend your knees to lower your calves to a horizontal position for convenience
• Now turn to your right, bend your right arm, and touch the floor with your right elbow
• Repeat it with your left elbow
• Do 20 reps from each side

  1. Triangle With Dumbbell
Triangle With Dumbbell

The triangle pose is a great stretching exercise and adding a dumbbell … Find more