15 Rare And Most Beautiful Anthurium Flowers To Grow At Home
Buy an anthurium flower for home decoration, if you want to decorate your home with flowers. Anthurium is a rare plants that is actually a leaf but it looks like a flower. It can grow up to 8 inches and it is available in rich colors.
Here’re 15 rare varieties of anthurium flowers & plants
Orange Anthurium

Orange is a rare color in flowers but you can grow an orange anthurium in your home. The flower has a deep yellow stem and a long leaf of orange shade that will add more colors to your home décor. And growing an anthurium plant isn’t a hassle as it needs little care and effort to flourish.
Obake Red Anthurium

This heart-shaped flower looks gorgeous in obake red color. Actually, it is a leaf and not a flower but it has been accepted as a flower. Anthurium is an indoor plant that can be grown even in a small pot. And it requires little care to flourish. It needs proper lighting but direct light can harm it. Similarly, low light can slow down growth.
Rare Pink Anthurium Plants

Hear shaped anthurium looks simply beautiful in pink color and the exciting thing is that you can grow a pink anthurium in your home. Simply put an anthurium plant in the shade where it gets indirect sunlight and water the plant thoroughly but prevent overwatering as it will make holes in the soil and drain the nutrients.
Black Anthurium

It is a rarest of rare color as black is considered the color of power, inspiration, and dedication. To grow back anthurium in home, you need to give proper care to the plant. It needs sunlight but you should prevent it from coming under direct sunlight. Similarly, it requires proper watering. But there is little to worry about temperature as this plant is extremely adaptable.
Purple Tulip Anthurium

Most anthurium plants are grown indoors because they can adapt to any temperature and environment. Also, they need little space to take roots and grow. They grow better in shades but they need proper watering. You can grow purple tulip anthurium at home with the help of little care that includes using fertilizers.
Pigtail Anthurium

It is a variety of the “flamingo flower.” It is a tropical plant whose origins are traced to the New World Jungles of Ecuador and Columbia. But you can grow a pigtail anthurium in your home. Since this plant is highly adaptable to new environments, it can grow to its full height, if you can give proper care. It needs shaded sunlight, watering, and fertilizers.
Green Anthurium

Green anthurium is a beautiful flower that you can grow in your home. Just a little care, sunlight, watering, and fertilization, and you will see flowers blossoming in your home. Also, provide a little humidity so the flower gets the color you want to see. And don’t forget to shift the plant into a bigger pot as … Find more