Do These 11 Exercises For Lasting Relief From Constipation
Constipation is a common problem that has its roots in lifestyle. But people relate it to their diet. Taking a healthy diet could indeed prevent constipation, but exercising is also necessary to get long-term relief from the suffering.
Here’re 10 exercises that can control constipation
- Wind Relieving Pose (Pavan Muktasana)
It improves digestion. Also, stretching lengthens the spine and relieves pain in the lower back.

How To:
• Lie down on your back with your knees folded to the chest
• Hug your knees and try to touch the knees with your forehead
• Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and keep breathing
• Lose your grip on the knees and rest your head on the floor
• Repeat the exercises 5-10 times
- Half Wind Pose (Ardha Pavan Muktasana)
It is good for the digestive system as it massages the abdomen and digestive organs. It is also good for the pelvis and the reproductive organs. Women can try this asana to control menstrual pain.

How To:
• Lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Fold the right knee and bring it closer to your chest
• Hug your right knee to lock it for up 5 seconds
• Move the right knee in a locked position towards your left and again hold it for 5 seconds
• Return to the starting position
• Repeat the exercise with the left leg
• Do 5 sets with each leg
- Half Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
It stretches and massages back muscles and hips. Also, it lengthens, relaxes, and realigns the spine.

How To:
• Lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Fold your right knee and bring it close to the chest
• Turn the right knee leftwards with your hands by your side
• Push your right knee towards the mat by twisting your lower body towards the left side
• Hold the pose for 3-5 seconds and return back
• Repeat it with the left leg and do 5 times with each leg
- Child’s Pose (Balasana)
It will stretch the muscles around your back and hip. It also stretches thighs and ankles. It is a resting pose that gently calms the tensed muscles and de-stresses the brain.

How To:
• Come down on your knees and rest your hips on your ankles by stretching your feet backward
• Extend your hands on the floor to low down until your head touches the floor
• You can push your knees outwards to stretch your lower back and thighs
• Keep breathing and hold the position for up to 15 seconds
• Do this exercise 5 times
- Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
It can stretch your entire upper body and provide quick and lasting relief from back pain. It strengthens the spine and improves its mobility.

How To:
• Lie down on your chest with elbows bent and palms flat on the floor
• Bring your head and toes in a straight line to start
• Keep your legs closed and toes pointed
• Lift your head and upper body with the help of palms
• Hold this position for 10 seconds and do it 5 times
- Vajrasana
It aids in digestion, relieves constipation, and strengthens pelvic muscles. Also, it calms tensed nerves of the mind and brings mental peace.

How To:
• Sit on your knees with your hips resting on your ankles
• Make fists with both your hands, place them on your thighs, and look straight
• Lower your chest until your forehead touches the floor
• Keep breathing and hold the position for 10-15 seconds
• Do it 10-15 times
- Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana)
It gives a good stretch to the inner thighs, groins, and knees. But its biggest benefit is it helps in the intestine and bowel movement.

How To:
• Sit down with your legs extended
• Bend your knees in such a way your feet are joined
• Hold your toes and pull the heels to the groin area
• Flutter your legs like wings to stretch the thigh and groin muscles
• Do it 50 times
- Deep Squat (Malasana)
It is a garland pose that works mostly for the lower parts of the body. It strengthens legs, feet, calves, and ankles. Also, it stimulates the abdomen and internal organs.

How To:
• Stand straight with your feet more than shoulder-width apart
• Join your palms in salutation pose and come down on your knees
• Rest your elbows on your calves and let your knees open wide with pressure
• Keep your spine erect and your eyes straight
• Hold the pose for 10 seconds
• Get up and do it 10 times
- Half Lying Leg Ups (Viparita Karani)
It boosts blood circulation towards the upper body and releases stress and fatigue. It provides deep relaxation and relief in pain in the knees.

How To:
• Sit down on a mat with your legs extended and hands on the back
• Lift your legs at a 60-degree angle by leaning back on your elbows
• Lower your legs but avoid touching the floor and lift them again
• Do it 10-20 times
- Chair Exercise
It increases flexibility and strength, boosts coordination, and improves blood circulation. Also, it improves posture and balance.

How To:
• Sit on a chair with your back straight, feet on the floor, and palms resting on your thighs
• Bend forwards with your hands touching the floor
• Come back to the sitting position
• Lift your left knee and bring it closer to your chest
• Hold the right leg from thigh to lock its position and bring your head down to touch the right knee
• Hold this position for 10 seconds and release your right leg
• Repeat it with the left leg and do 10-15 times with each leg
- Pelvic Tilt Ball Squeeze
It strengthens muscles around the lower back, especially the abdominals. Its gentle massaging effect on the spine gives fast relief from pain and stiffness in the lower back area.

How To:
• Lie down on your back and fold your needs with your feet flat on the mat
• Take a medicine ball and place it between your knees
• Push your lower back to the floor to engage your pelvic muscles
• Raise your legs with the ball still between your knees
• Press the balls and count to three and release
• Do it 5 times
Disclaimer: The above information is for education purposes only and users are advised to take proper training before doing any of the above-mentioned exercises.
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