
Yoga Exercises For Women Over 60

10 Yoga Exercises For Women Over 60

If you are a woman and are over 60 years of age, then you should be very careful about your health, especially about menopause. There could be issues related to your physical and mental health like sciatica, decreased mobility, and memory loss.

Luckily there are 10 yoga exercises that can help maintain good health in advanced age

  1. Tadasana – Mountain Pose
Tadasana – Mountain Pose

Easy to do and maintain, Tadasana is helpful in correcting the posture. It tones thighs, arms, and abs, and it improves digestion and blood circulation. Also, it will enhance your mobility and energy level.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your hands by your side
• Take a deep breathe and raise your hands upward
• Keep your palms facing inwards so you can interlock your fingers
• Stretch yourself up for a while and then relax

  1. Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bending Pose
Uttanasana – Standing Forward Bending Pose

It is a mild inverse pose well for controlling osteoporosis and menopause. It improves blood circulation, digestion, and sleep. It strengthens hips and tones hamstrings. Also, it can rejuvenate your skin so you look younger than you are.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet closed, chest expanded, and hands resting on your waist
• Bend your torso to bring it parallel to the floor without releasing your hands
• Release your hands and bring them down to the floor
• Bring your head down to your knees or as much as possible
• Hold the position for a while and then relax

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose

Elderly women should practice this asana daily for the numerous health benefits that include relieving menopausal discomfort and tension. Your hamstring and arms would get a good stretch. Also, it will enhance your memory and cognitive power.

How To:

• Come down on your four and make a table with your back becoming the tabletop
• Open your hands shoulder-width apart and keep your feet hip-width apart
• Raise your hips until your spine and legs make an inverted V
• Press your hands further down on the floor and let your head go between your hands
• Hold the pose for a while and then relax

  1. Virabhadrasana I – Warrior I Pose
Virabhadrasana I – Warrior I Pose

It is a warrior pose that will strengthen your spine, legs, arms, and shoulders. It will open your lungs, chest, and hips. It will improve your stability, balance, and focus. And you will have a high rejuvenating and energizing experience.

How To:

• Stand with your legs open wide apart and try spreading your legs as far as possible
• Keep your hands on your waist
• Now turn to your left putting all your body weight on the left knee and extend the right leg for balance
• Raise your arms up and lock your fingers
• Hold the position for a short while and then relax

  1. Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bend Pose
Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bend Pose

It is a good exercise if you have anxiety and … Find more

Exercises For Women To Reduce Back Fat

12 Exercises For Women To Reduce Back Fat

Stubborn back fat is easier to melt with exercising and there are a dozen exercises that can help in burning your back fat. There is little need to take diet pills or follow a strict dieting schedule as exercising with a healthy diet can rid you of stubborn back fat.

Warmup Before Exercises

Always do a 10-minute warmup before starting an exercise. A warmup is necessary to prepare your body and mind for exercise. Similarly, you need to allow your body a few minutes to cool off your body after exercise.

Here’re 12 exercise to remove back fat

  1. Bent Over Row
Bent Over Row

It targets biceps, lats, traps, rear delts, and rhomboids.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet closed and a small-size dumbbell in each hand
• Bend forward with your back at a 45-degree angle to your waist, hips pushed back, and knees flexed
• Open your chest, roll your shoulders, and look straight to start
• Pull your hands back until your elbows reach behind your shoulders
• Return back to the starting position
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps each

  1. One Arm Dumbbell Row
One Arm Dumbbell Row

It works on biceps, shoulders blades, lats, lower traps, rhomboids, and rotator cuffs. You will need a flat bench for this exercise.

How To:

• Place your right knee and hand on the bench
• Your right palm should be flat on the bench, back parallel to the floor
• Pick a medium-size dumbbell in your left hand, spread your left leg a little wider than your shoulder width, and bend your left knee to start
• Pull your left hand up until the dumbbell reaches your armpit
• Slowly bring the hand down to complete a rep
• Change side to do it with the left hand
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps each

  1. Bent Over Rear Delt Raises
Bent Over Rear Delt Raises

It is a good exercise for lats and posterior deltoids.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet joined and a small-size dumbbell in each hand
• Bend a little forward with your hands extended, hips pushed back, and eyes fixed on the ground
• Open your chest, and roll your shoulders back to start
• Pull your hands up until your elbows point towards the ceiling and slowly come down to the starting position
• Do 2 sets of 15 reps each

  1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Target your biceps, shoulders, lats, teres muscles, infraspinatus, and serratus muscles with this exercise.

How To:

• Sit before a lat pulldown machine with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, chest out, and shoulders rolled back to start
• Hold the bar and lean slightly backward and pull it down until it touches your chin
• Release the bar slowly to complete a rep
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each

  1. Underhand Cable Pulldown
Underhand Cable Pulldown

Strengthen your lower back, biceps, lats, and deltoids with this exercise.

How To:

• Sit down before a lat machine and hold the bar with your … Find more

Best Chest Exercises For Breast Improvement

12 Best Chest Exercises For Breast Improvement

Chest exercises are good for breast improvement. And there are many chest exercises to choose from. You can choose a dumbbell exercise or one that you can practice without requiring any weight.

Here’re the 12 best chest exercises you can perform at home

  1. Incline Dumbbell Press
Incline Dumbbell Press

Get an inclined exercising bench to target your chest muscles. Incline dumbbell press can strengthen the chest muscles so you get fuller breasts.

How To:

• Lie with your back inclined on the bench and shoulders pushed back
• Grab a medium size dumbbell in each hand to start
• Raise your hands with your palms facing forward
• Bring the dumbbells down close to your chest to complete a rep
• Do 3 sets of 15 reps each

  1. Barbell Bench Press
Barbell Bench Press

It is a good exercise for chest muscles and you can do it in a neutral, inclined, and declined position according to your convenience.

How To:

• Lie on a bench with your back straight, knees bent, feet joined, and flat on the bench
• Grab a barbell with medium weight and hold it safely close to your chest
• Slowly push the barbell upwards with the force of your elbows
• Hold for a while and bring it down but avoid touching your chest
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each

  1. Camel Pose
Camel Pose

Making a camel pose would open your chest and give a good stretch to your back. And you don’t need a bench or weight for this exercise.

How To:

• Get down on your knees with your back straight and hands on your waist
• Bend backward by looking up and extending your hands to your feet
• Open your chest and stretch your back while you hold your toes
• Hold the pose for 30 seconds
• Do 2 sets of 5 reps each

  1. Overhead Shoulder Press
Overhead Shoulder Press

It is good exercise for the shoulders but it can also help strengthen and build your chest muscles.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Gran a medium-size dumbbell in each hand
• Hold the dumbbells over your shoulders to start
• Take the dumbbells up making an arc and bring them closer without straightening your hands
• Come down to the starting position
• Do 3 sets of 12 reps each

  1. Wall Push-ups
Wall Push-ups

It has multiple benefits as it works on the chest, biceps, lats, and core muscles. Also, it tones muscles and burns calories.

How To:

• Strand at an arm’s distance from a wall
• Keep your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart
• Reach your hands to the wall and place them firmly
• Your hands should also be shoulder-width apart
• Push your chest towards the wall and stop before touching it and come back
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps each

  1. Decline Push-ups
Decline Push-ups

Decline push-ups would put more pressure on your chest area than neutral push-ups. You will need a stability ball or a bench … Find more

Yoga For Building Focus And Attention

7 Types Of Yoga For Building Focus And Attention

If you have difficulty in developing concentration and focus, you should try yogasana. There are 7 asanas that can help in improving your focus and attention. Also, they will strengthen your muscles and joints.

The advantage of yoga is that it can be practiced without any additional accessories. Also, you can practice these asanas at home. A little training is needed for these asanas. You will feel amazing benefits in your focus and attention by practicing these asanas.

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana improves posture by relaxing muscles and strengthening them over time. It improves flexibility by strengthening the leg and abs muscles. It works on the abdomen to boost the digestive tract function and system in the long run. It develops balance and offers a beginner-friendly yoga pose. Since it is a super accessible asana with multiple benefits, anyone can practice it.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor
• Press your heels and toes on the floor
• Lift your knees upward and turn the thighs slightly inward
• Take a deep breath and roll your shoulders up and back
• Release your shoulders and come in Tadasana position
• Let your arms hang naturally with palms facing forward
• Hold this position for as long as you can

  1. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Concentration improves with the time span of the asana. Also, it stretches legs, back, and arms. According to research, it is also helpful in controlling sciatica pain. In addition to these benefits, it also strengthens leg and back muscles.

How To:

• Stand erect with your feet hip-width apart and feet flat on the floor
• Slowly lift your right leg and place your right foot on the root of the left thigh
• Balance your body on the left leg before raising your hands above your head
• Spread your hands and raise them in a circular motion and join your palms over your head
• Look straight and relax your muscles while maintaining the pose
• Release your hands and right leg in the similar motion

  1. Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

A great strength-building exercise, Garudasana stretches the hip muscles, thighs, lower and upper back, and shoulders. As you stand in a difficult pose with your hands and legs locked together, you learn to maintain balance. This asana loosens legs and hip muscles to give relief from sciatica and rheumatism.

How To:

• Come in Tadasana pose to start
• Carefully lift your right foot and slowly wrap it around your left thigh
• Curl your right foot behind your left calf and lock it there
• Reach your arms in front of your chest and wrap your left hand over the right
• Cross your left elbow over the upper right upper arm
• Cross your forearms, slide your right hand towards yourself, and join the palms
• Raise your elbows to your shoulder height to come in Garudasana pose
• Release the pose in a similar … Find more

Yoga Asanas To Bring Your Hips And Thighs In Good Shape

12 Yoga Asanas To Bring Your Hips And Thighs In Good Shape

If you are dreaming of improved buttocks and fuller thighs then yoga can help. Stretching exercises can strengthen your hips and thigh muscles. Also, they will make your body more flexible. The advantage of yogic exercises is that they require no weight training or additional accessories. Also, the results achieved through yoga asanas are always exciting and long-lasting to reduce fat from thighs.

There are 12 yogic exercises that you can practice at home and get stunning results. Also, you need little training for doing the exercises.

Here’re the yoga asanas for improving your buttocks and thighs


Utkatasana For Thighs & Hips

It stimulates and strengthens muscles in the legs, hips, and thighs. The pressure exerted on the muscles tones the hips and thighs.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hands by your side
• Bend your knees to come in a half-sitting position to start
• Stretch your arms over your head
• Hold the position for as long as you can

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II

The biggest advantage of this exercise is it works both legs at the same time. Also, it strengthens the muscles that are often left by other exercises.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulder-length
• Open your arms and turn to your right without bending your knees
• Bend your right knee and stretch your left leg
• Stretch your left leg as much as you can and put pressure on the right knee
• Balance your body with arms and keep your back straight
• Maintain the pose for as long as you can


Natarajasana Yogic Exercise

It stimulates hip flexors and stretches the inner and outer thigh muscles. It will tone all your muscles from your pelvis to your feet.

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hands by your sides
• Stretch your right leg behind and fold the knee
• Reach your right hand to the toe of the right foot and hold it
• Stretch your left arm forward and make a Gyan Mudra
• Maintain the pose according to your endurance


Ustrasana Exercise

It works on the pectoral muscles the hip flexors. It tones the thighs, especially the front part. You will find your hips and frontal thighs strengthened and toned after exercising.

How To:

• Come down on your knees with your back straight and hands by your sides
• Stretch your chest and reach your hands to your feet at your back
• Try placing your palms over your feet by stretching your chest and neck
• Maintain the position according to your endurance

Upavistha Konasana

Upavistha Konasana

Give the posterior part of your legs a good stretch with this exercise. Also, it works on inner thighs making them beautiful. It builds strength and enhances flexibility as well.

How To:

• Sit with your legs stretched as wide apart as you can
• Now try stretching your upper body to the ground
• Or you can simply … Find more

Strength Building Push-Up Exercises For Women

10 Strength Building Push-Up Exercises For Women

If you want to build your upper body muscles and lift your breasts then try push-ups. Also, push-up exercise is great for strengthening the core, shoulders, and arms. Another advantage of push-ups is there are many variations of this exercise.

Here’re 10 push-up exercises you can practice at home

  1. Knee Push-Ups
Knee Push-Ups

A great exercise for beginners, it strengthens the chest, shoulders, and arms. Also, it is crucial to move to advanced and more challenging exercises.

How To:

• Get down on your fours with your hands a little wider than your shoulder width and ankles locked
• Keep your back and neck in a straight line and also straighten your arms to start
• Lower your chest but avoid touching the floor
• Go slow so you take time in going down and coming up to complete a rep
• Do 3 sets of 5 reps each

  1. Wall Push-Ups
Wall Push-Ups

It is a good exercise if you want to strengthen your chest muscles. It will work on your chest and enhance your breasts. Also, it will prepare you for regular push-ups.

How To:

• Stand at an arm’s length before a wall
• Reach your hands to the wall and place your palms on the wall
• Stretch your legs and back to bring your body in a straight line
• Start by pushing your chest towards the wall and stop before it touches the wall
• Wait for a while and come back to the original position
• Do 3 sets of 5 reps each

  1. Incline Push-Ups
Incline Push-Ups

It is slightly challenging but it can give excellent results. It can tone and strengthen your chest, shoulders, and arms. Also, it will build the endurance of your upper body muscles.

How To:

• Lay inclined on a bench by placing your hands firmly on the bench
• Your hands should be a little wider than your shoulder-width and your body in a straight line
• Straighten your legs and arms and engage your back to start
• Push your chest to the bench but stop before touching the bench
• Wait for a while and come back to complete a rep
• Do sets of 5 reps each

  1. Regular Push-Ups
Regular Push-Ups

Also called basic puh-ups, it is a good exercise as it works for the entire body. Here you will engage all the body from your neck to toe.

How To:

• Come down on your fours with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders
• Stretch your legs as much as you can and bring your body in a straight line
• Take a deep breath and lower your chest but avoid touching the floor
• Wait for a while and come up to complete a rep
• Do 3 sets of 5 reps each

  1. Decline Push-Ups
Decline Push-Ups

Regular push-up exercise becomes more challenging in decline push-ups. But it works well for upper body muscles.

How To:

• Come down on your fours with a bench, box, or sofa towards your back… Find more

Best Fitness Wrist Watches For Kids

8 Best Fitness Wrist Watches For Kids

If your child is obese, leads a lazy life, or gives excuses for not enjoying outdoor activities, then you should buy a fitness tracker wristband for your kid. A fitness tracker will help your kid take interest in outdoor activities. Also, you can check the fitness activity of your kid on your mobile.

Here’re 8 best fitness tracker bands for your kid

  1. K-berho Fitness Tracker (Amazon)
K-berho Fitness Tracker

It is a multifunctional fitness tracker that can do more than simply monitor your activities. For example, it supports 11 sports including swimming, walking, running, cycling, treadmill, and football. Also, it will remind you when to be active and when to take a rest. This smart fitness band will remind you of your medicines and its stopwatch will help count every step taken towards a healthy life.

Also, it provides amazing entertainment features like remote camera control with which you can click stunning pictures with your phone. It will monitor your sleep and wake you up without disturbing others. You can connect it to your phone so you don’t miss a single call or message.


• Water-resistance
• Quick charging


• None

  1. Fitbit Ace 2 Activity Tracker (Amazon/Walmart)
Fitbit Ace 2 Activity Tracker

Track all-day activities to know how they add to a healthier and more active life. Also, it will tell whether you are getting enough rest which is also necessary for a healthy body and mind. A great feature of this health tracker is virtual badges and fun on-screen celebrations that kids get when they achieve their fitness goals.

In addition to making kids active, this activity tracker also encourages them to enjoy friendly challenges in step competitions. Also, it allows sending cheer-up messages to boost the morale of the participants. Since it is made waterproof and spill-resistant, kids can keep it wearing even while washing their hands or playing water games.


• Good battery life
• Connects with friends


• The screen could hang

  1. Garmin Vívofit Jr Kids Fitness Tracker (Amazon/Walmart)
Garmin Vívofit Jr Kids Fitness Tracker

This fitness tracker comes with an amazing battery life that is 1 year without charging. The second good thing about this tracker is its design that is made one-size-fits-all. It can be stretched according to the wrist size. As it isn’t enough, the manufacturer gives more with the tracker. It carries a mobile app for parents to keep track of the activities of their kids.

For example, parents can assign jobs to their kids, the children can see the assigned activities on their fitness tracker and obey the orders. It is a useful feature for kids that need reminders for washing hands before meals, brushing their teeth, and taking proper rest. And kids that complete their jobs on time earn virtual coins.


• 1-year battery life
• Parenting application


• The app has compatibility issues

  1. Amazfit Fitness Tracker (Amazon)
Amazfit Fitness Tracker

Things you can do with this fitness tracker are set alarms and timers, control smart devices, ask questions to Alexa, and get translations done by Alexa. Its 15-day battery … Find more

Dumbbell Exercises For Figure Conscious Women

15 Dumbbell Exercises For Figure Conscious Women

Dumbbell exercises are good for the entire body and the good thing is that you can practice these exercises with lightweight dumbbells. Here’re the exercises that can improve your biceps, shoulders, abs, glutes, and thighs.

Here’re 15 dumbbell exercises for beginners

  1. Front Raise
Front Raise

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands touching the front of your thighs
• Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand
• Roll your shoulders and engage your core to start
• Slowly lift your hands to your shoulder level and then bring back
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Lateral Raise
Lateral Raise

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on the sides
• Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand
• Roll your shoulders and engage your core
• Raise your hands laterally to your shoulder level and bring back
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Tricep Extension
Tricep Extension

• Get down on your knees with your back straight and hands raised above the head
• Hold a 5 to 10-pound dumbbell in your hands
• The dumbbell should hang behind your head
• Slowly lower the dumbbell to your shoulder level and they back to the starting position
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Bicep Curl To Press
Bicep Curl To Press

• Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart, hands resting on thighs, and palms facing outwards
• Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand
• First, bring the dumbbells to your shoulder level by bending your forearms
• Second, rotate your wrists inwards and raise the dumbbells over your head by extending your hands
• Come back to the original position step by step
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Hammer Curl Press
Hammer Curl Press

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your sides
• Hold a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand
• Roll your shoulders and engage your core to start
• Lift the dumbbells to your shoulder level and take a pause
• Raise the dumbbells over your head
• Again take a pause before coming down
• Come down to the starting position in steps
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Glute Bridge Chest Press
Glute Bridge Chest Press

• Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
• Rest your upper arms on the floor but keep your forearms off the floor
• The position of your forearms should be perpendicular to the upper arms
• Lift your butts so your abs and thighs come in a straight line
• Take a 2-pound dumbbell in each hand
• Press the dumbbells above your chest, wait for a while and come back
• It is one rep complete
• Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps

  1. Bent Over Flys
Bent Over Flys

• Stand straight with your feet closed and hands by your … Find more

Benefits Of Swimming Exercises

10 Benefits Of 6 Swimming Exercises

Swimming is a complete exercise as it works for both body and mind. Also, it is good for people of all ages. It can even help children with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy is a disability that affects about 4 kids in 1000 newborns. Children with CP have difficulty moving their limbs. Swimming can help them improve their motor functions in the long run.

Here’re 10 health benefits of swimming

benefits of swimming
  1. It helps in weight loss as you can burn more calories with swimming exercises. Also, it will make burning calories a breeze for you.
  2. It builds bone strength and provides long-term relief from common joint problems like arthritis. It is more helpful for aging people that are susceptible to bone loss.
  3. It is a blessing for people living sedentary life as they are in the high-risk zone of getting heart attacks. But they can improve their cardiovascular health with swimming.
  4. It improves flexibility in bones and joints. You will feel more energetic after every swimming session.
  5. It improves body coordination as it involves the movement of hands, legs, chest, and back muscles to propel the body forward.
  6. It increases neurogenesis that reduces the risk of brain cell death that could lead to temporal lobe epilepsy. A study on laboratory rats proved that swimming works on the brain.
  7. It improves asthmatic conditions. Swimming can reduce the occurrence and severity of asthmatic attacks among asthmatic people. Also, it can prevent the development of asthma in healthy people.
  8. It improves sleep quality. Swimming is a complete exercise for the entire body. It makes all the muscles and brain cells work. It will make you feel exhausted so you can sleep better.
  9. It supports mental health by making the brain cells work. Your intelligence level will increase after starting swimming.
  10. It slows down the aging process. Since it works for the entire body, you can expect good results on your overall health that will make you healthier in the long run.

Swimming is a great exercise and you will be surprised to know that you can choose an exercise that you are comfortable with. Swimming can largely be categorized into six exercises according to position and hand movements.

  1. Freestyle

Beginners should start with freestyle swimming as it provides immense flexibility to move your hands and feet to kick the water.

How To:

• Jump in the pool with your face down and hands extended above your head
• Take your right hand in the water, push the water back, and bring it to the starting position
• Now push the water back with the left hand
• Be quick in pushing water back with your hands one-by-one to move forward

  1. Backstroke

Here you float on your back just like you lie on a bed and use your hand movements to move forward.

How To:

• Float in the pool on your back with your hands
• Lift your right hand out of the water and move in a clockwise circle into the water
• … Find more

Miley Cyrus Become A Vegan

Miley Ray Cyrus is a born singer with a raspy voice. She’s a teen idol during her television days when she played the title character in the television series Hannah Montana (2006-2011).

Her accolades include Time 100 list in 2008 and 2014, MTV’s Best Artist of 2013, and Billboard’s Greatest of All Time Artists Chart in 2019.

Just like a sweet voice, Miley is also blessed with a beautiful figure that she maintains with diet and exercise. While there is little need to shed light on the dynamic acting career of this singer-actor, you will certainly be interested in knowing about her diet and exercise schedule.

Vegan Diet

In 2014, Miley Cyrus became vegan and removed animal products including milk and dairy products, eggs, meat, seafood, and honey from her plate. Now she lives on a plant-based diet for necessary nutrition. Also, she received the Celebrity Advocate Award from the Animal Rights National Conference for her efforts in promoting a vegan diet. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also supports a vegan diet to get a slimmer figure, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart problems.

Gluten-Free Diet

Miley Cyrus takes gluten and dairy-free diet since 2012. While her critics could say that she embraced a vegan diet due to her lactose intolerance, the truth is that she’s a real vegan from the heart. And she credits her weight loss in her late teens to her gluten and dairy-free diet. Even Khloe Kardashian lost 40 pounds by switching to a gluten and dairy-free diet. If weight loss is your goal, you can consider a dairy-free diet, but with caution.

Alcohol And Drugs – NO

Earlier Miley Cyrus used to drink alcohol and smoke pot. Also, she was on drugs to find solace. But she quit alcohol and drugs in 2017. She said she wasn’t doing drugs. She wasn’t drinking. She was completely clean to Billboard during an interview. She even penned a song on quitting alcohol and drugs. It was “Slide Away.” This song has been a source of inspiration for alcoholics and drug addicts who want to quit their addiction.

Miley Cyrus knows that a healthy diet will only fulfill her nutritional needs and that she needs to do exercises to keep her body fit. And just like her diet, Miley Cyrus is choosey about her exercises. Following are the exercises, she loves doing.


Her love for Pilates started in 2013 and it grew so much that she even built a Pilates Studio at home. She does Pilates for 30 minutes every day in her home studio. Her former instructor, Mary Winsor, said that Miley Cyrus did Pilates to strengthen her core strength. She also did sidekicks to increase her lower body movement and flexibility. According to Mary Winsor, just tightening up the tummy isn’t sufficient as it has to be pulled into the lower back as much as possible. She further said that Pilates can do what 40 crunches can’t.


Miley … Find more