10 Exercises That Burn Side Fat Faster

Oblique Crunch

The excess fat on both sides of your waist is called muffin top but it isn’t difficult to remove this stubborn fat if you are ready to spend 20-30 minutes every alternate day on burning the side fat. You need to do some exercises at home to bring your waist back to its original shape.

Exercises For Reducing Side Fat

  1. Starfish

A variation for side plank, starfish exercise is considered the best activity to reduce side fat. It works on both sides of the waist and burns the fat faster.

How To:

• Come down in a side plank position while maintaining the balance
• Stack one foot on the other without disturbing the balance and extend both of your arms
• Lift the leg on the top and make it firm
• Try to touch the toes of the raised leg with your raised hand and return to the starting position
• Repeat it from the other side
• Do 15 reps from each side

  1. Side Plank Circles
Side Plank Circles

It is a great exercise for muffin tops, lower belly pooch, and love handles. It will also target your oblique muscles and tone your bum.

How To:

• Come down in a side plank position with one leg on top of the other and the lower knee closer to the floor
• Raise your top leg until it becomes horizontal to the floor
• Also, raise your hand to the ceiling to maintain balance
• Start making big circles with the raised leg
• More the leg 20 circles clockwise and 20 anticlockwise
• Repeat the movement with the other side

  1. Oblique Crunch
Oblique Crunch

The advantage of oblique crunch is that it targets both lower and upper belly fat. Also, it will be helpful in targeting the oblique muscles.

How To:

• Lie down on your back, lift your legs, and bend your knees so your calves become horizontal to the floor
• Slide your palms under your head with your elbows pointing outwards
• Lift your torso and bend your left elbow to touch your right knee
• Simultaneously push your right knee slightly back to your left elbow
• Repeat it with the right elbow and left knee
• Do 10 reps from each elbow

  1. Piked Elbow Twists
Piked Elbow Twists

This exercise was primarily introduced to fight love handles but it is also effective on oblique muscles and side fat.

How To:

• Lie down on a mat with your hands and legs in the opposite direction
• Raise your hands and legs to the ceiling
• Lift your torso until your body’s balance comes on your butt
• You can bend your knees to lower your calves to a horizontal position for convenience
• Now turn to your right, bend your right arm, and touch the floor with your right elbow
• Repeat it with your left elbow
• Do 20 reps from each side

  1. Triangle With Dumbbell
Triangle With Dumbbell

The triangle pose is a great stretching exercise and adding a dumbbell … Find more

10 Exercises To Burn Your Back Fat Faster

Exercises To Burn Your Back Fat Faster

Obesity shouldn’t be taken lightly especially fat at the back. If you have back fat, it is an indication of low carb tolerance, insulin resistance, and high testosterone levels. Also, you are more likely to develop diabetes and PCOS. But it can be controlled by reducing body fat especially back fat.

Here’re 10 Best Exercises To Reduce Back Fat

  1. Bent Over Row
Bent Over Row

Target: Biceps, Lats, Traps, Rhomboids, Rear Delts

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet closed and a dumbbell in each hand
• Bend forward with your spine making a 45-degree angle and hips pushed back
• Pull the dumbbells up to your chest and then release
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. One Arm Dumbbell Row
One Arm Dumbbell Row

Target: Core, Lats, Biceps, Rhomboids, Shoulder Blades, Erector Spinae, Rotator Cuffs, Lower Traps

How To:

• Get an exercise bench and place your right knee and hand on the bench
• Grab a dumbbell in your left hand to start the exercise
• Strengthen your left hand and pull the dumbbell up to your armpit and then release
• It is one set complete
• Try it with the right hand
• Do 2 sets of 10 reps

  1. Bent Over Rear Delt Raises
Bent Over Rear Delt Raises

Target: Deltoids, Lats, Posterior

How To:

• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand
• Bend forward a little without flexing your knees and extend your hands at a 45-degree angle to your back
• Pull the dumbbells up in such a manner that your elbows point towards the ceiling
• Release your hands slowly
• Do 2 sets of 15 reps

  1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Target: Biceps, Lats, Shoulders, Teres Muscles, Serratus Muscles, Trapezius, Infraspinauts, Rhomboids

How To:

• Sit comfortably on a lat pulldown machine with your spine straight, chest out, and knees underneath the pads
• Hold the overhead wide bar attached to the pulley and pull it down
• Lean slightly backward to generate the force needed to pull the wide bar down up to your chest
• Release the bar slowly until your hands extend fully
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps

  1. Underhand Cable Pulldown
Underhand Cable Pulldown

Target: Lower Back, Lats, Biceps, Deltoids

How To:

• Sit comfortably on a lat machine with an overhead wide bar attached to the pulley
• Hold the bar with your hands less than your shoulder width and palms facing your chest
• Lean back a little to pull the pulley down to your chest
• Keep your feet flat on the ground and engage your core to generate the force needed to pull the bar
• Release the bar slowly to come to the starting position
• Do 3 sets of 10 reps

  1. Lying Lat Pullover
Lying Lat Pullover

Target: Core, Lats, Triceps, Shoulders, Biceps

How To:

• Lie down on a mat with your knees flexed and feet flat on the floor
• Grab lightweight dumbbells in each hand and raise your hands over your chest
• Bend your elbows to … Find more

5 Yoga Exercises For Natural Fuller Breasts

Yoga Exercises For Natural Fuller Breasts

Women try many things from using suction cups to surgical implants and oils to ointments to make their breasts large and rounded. But little do they know that these methods give short-term results. Also, the results achieved are often unsatisfactory and uncomfortable.

It is better if you could develop your breasts naturally. It is possible if you do exercises, especially yoga poses. The advantage of yoga is that it is easier to practice at home as it doesn’t require additional accessories. A little training and you are ready to practice yoga poses at home.

How Is Yoga Helpful In Improving Your Breasts?

You know yoga has a solution for everything. It can help in losing weight, building muscles, and increasing height. Similarly, it can help in improving the shape and size of your breasts. There are many yoga poses that can stretch your breasts, strengthen the breast muscles, and improve their roundness.

Naturally grown breasts will maintain their shape, size, rounds, and flexibility for a long time. Also, you can maintain the natural size of your breasts by practicing yoga exercises. And there is no side effect of yoga exercises. These exercises are safe for people of all ages.

5 Yoga Exercises To Get Full Breasts

  1. Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)

Gomukhasana will give your breasts the stretch they need to grow. Also, this stretch will improve the elasticity of your breasts. Your breast muscles will be developed and the flexibility of your torso improved.

How To:

• Sit on a yoga mat with your legs extended and hands on your back
• Slid your left leg under your right buttock and cross the right leg over your left leg
• Be comfortable and maintain balance before taking the next step
• Raise your left hand over your head and flex your left elbow to reach your left fingers to your upper back
• Move your right hand to your back from under your right arm and interlock the fingers of your hands
• Hold the pose for 30 seconds and then try it with the right leg
• Repeat it 4-5 times

  1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Stretch your bust area with bhujangasana. This asana will strengthen your breast muscles tone your stomach and firm your buttocks.

How To:

• Lie down on your stomach with your toes pressed on the floor and hands under your arms
• Close your legs with your heels lightly touching each other
• Put your palms flat on the floor so you get the required thrust needed to raise your torso
• Lift your torso off the floor with your legs joined and heels touching each other
• Only upper part will be lifted and the lower part will remain fixed to the ground
• Maintain the pose for 4-5 breaths and then relax
• Repeat it 4-5 times

  1. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The blood flow to your breast area will increase with dhanurasana. Also, it will strengthen your breasts and shoulders. Also, your thyroid glands will … Find more