Know Whether You Have A Hormonal Belly

Hormonal belly fat

Do you know your hormones could make you put on fat especially around your belly? Hormones are responsible for most body functions like reacting to stress and hunger. And a slight imbalance in hormones could result in accumulation of belly fat or hormonal belly. For example, take underactive thyroid PCOS and menopause that are prime reasons for belly fat in women.

If you want to know whether you’ve belly fat then look for the following signs

  1. Feeling hungry even after eating

It happens due to decrease in estrogen levels. Low level of estrogen in turn impacts leptin production that could increase to the problematic level. And, if your testosterone level increases, it will decrease leptin. Leptin is responsible for regulating body weight. Here, your sex hormones are indirectly affecting leptin responsible for regulating body metabolism.

  1. Feeling stressed

Stress activates adrenal glands to produce cortisol that trigger stress response. But an overstressed body keeps adrenal glands active all the day leading to over production of cortisol leading to hormonal belly. It can also increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar.

  1. Fat accumulation only around waistline

Every woman experienced menopause but some women have more problems with menopause. It could bring a sharp decrease in estrogen levels resulting in weight gain especially in the abdomen that in other areas like thighs, hips and buttocks.

  1. Cravings for sweet

People of all age like sweets but craving for more is due to increased resistance to insulin. With insulin resistance, your body won’t be able to extract sugar from the bloodstream leaving you to crave for more carbs. Also, your sensitivity for insulin and leptin will decrease to alarming level where you will keep on consuming more sweets leading to getting hormonal fat. You won’t know when to stop eating sugar.… Find more

What Ethnic And Income Groups Are More Prone To Diabetes?


A recent study made revealed how obesity is related to type 2 diabetes and how a modest drop in body weight could be significant in reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Where was the study published?

The Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) published the study that started a debate in the health circles. It found obesity the price reason for development of type 2 diabetes cases. While obesity is already considered a reason for diabetes, the study found that almost one-half of the new cases of diabetes were due to obesity.

What are the findings of the study?

The study found that risk factors for type 2 diabetes vary according to ethnicity and income brackets. It highlighted that the obese people non-Hispanic Black or Mexican American that belong to the income bracket of less than $50,000 were more prone to developing type 2 diabetes. Also, non-Hispanic Caucasian women were found to be at greater risk of getting type 2 diabetes with obesity.

What does the study say about lowering the risk?

The experts are of the opinion that a little effort made in weight loss could contribute to reducing the risk of obese people becoming diabetic. According to experts a mere 5-7% reduction of body weight could reduce 58% reduction in the development of type 2 diabetes among adult population.

For example, a person with a family history of diabetes should be more careful about his health after 40. The person should keep checking his weight and blood sugar levels at regular intervals.

Another important point in the study is exercising. The experts of the view that just dieting isn’t sufficient to preventing diabetes. They suggest exercising and recommend activities like walking, kickboxing, using stairs instead of escalators and parking your car to some distance from … Find more

Which Diet & Workout Plan Suits Your Needs Most?

If difficult to find a diet and exercising plan that is suitable for all but it is possible to find a plan that suits your needs. There are 8 types of diet plans that you can follow to achieve your health goals like weight loss.

  1. Intermittent Fasting

Objective of intermittent fasting is to reduce calorie intake by restricting the eating time. And there are many ways to decide periods of eating and fasting. It slows down aging and improves brain health. But it isn’t suitable for people with serious health issues like diabetes.

  1. Plant Based Diet

It could be veganism that abstain from animal-based products or flexitarians that allow animal-based products. You can choose a diet according to your needs. With this diet, you can prevent chronic ailments like cancer. But avoiding animal-based products could create deficiency for specific nutrients.

  1. Low Carb Diet

This diet is more popular for weight loss but it can also help in controlling cholesterol level and blood pressure. It is rich in proteins hence helps in controlling hunger pangs. But it could lead to increase in LDL and digestive upset.

  1. The Paleo Diet

It believes in the diet of ancient human race that relates diseases to change in diet habit. This diet includes whole food items, fruits, vegetables and lean meat. It is a healthy diet but lacks nutrition available in grain and dairy.

  1. Low-Fat Diet

This diet can reduce calorie intake up to 30%. Since fat has double calories per gram than protein, reducing fat could improve heart health and reduce chances of diabetes.

  1. The Mediterranean Diet

Based on the people living in Greece and Italy, it includes fresh veggies, fruits, legumes, poultry, dairy, virgin olive oil, whole grains and seafood. Rich in antioxidants, this diet can control inflammation and neutralize free radicals.

  1. Weight
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