12 Core Strengthening Oblique Exercises
Oblique exercises can help shed side fat faster and you can perform these exercises at home. Oblique muscles are the largest abdominal muscles connecting ribs to the pelvic bone. They run diagonally along the sides and help keep the spine stable and support the core when you stretch, bend, and twist your body to the sides.
Why Oblique Exercises Are Important?

When you don’t use your oblique muscles, you compensate for these muscles by overusing other muscles like the lower back and it leads to discomfort in the back. With oblique exercises, you can strengthen your core and reduce the chances of developing back aches.
Here’re 12 Oblique Exercises For A Strong Core
- Side Planks

Target: Obliques, Core, Shoulders, Hips
How To:
• Lie on your right side with your legs extended
• Rest your right elbow on the mat and tighten your core
• Raise your hips with your body in a straight line from head to toe
• Hold the position for 30 seconds
• Come down and repeat on the left side
• Do 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps
- Side Plank Dips

Target: Shoulders, Hips, Core
How To:
• Come down in a side plank position
• Tighten your core to start
• Bring your hips down to touch the ground and then back
• It is one rep complete
• Do it several times with both sides
• Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps
- Side Plank Leg Raises

Target: Outer Thighs, Obliques, Shoulders
How To:
• Start with a side plank position
• Bring your body into a straight line
• Tighten your core for exercising
• Slowly raise your let towards the ceiling
• Hold for 10 seconds and then back
• Repeat on both sides
• Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 reps
- Russian Twists

Target: Obliques, Core
How To:
• Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched
• Lean back a little and flex your knees to form a ‘V’
• Balance your body to start exercising
• Twist your torso from left to right but without moving your legs
• If needed, you can hold a dumbbell of 8-10 pounds
• Move slowly and keep breathing
• Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
- Side Bends

Target: Obliques
How To:
• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Hold a dumbbell of medium-to-heavy weight in the right hand
• Lower the right hand with a dumbbell to the right knee
• Keep your back straight and hold the position for 10 seconds
• Slowly come back to the starting position
• Change the dumbbell to the left hand and repeat the exercise
• Do 1-2 sets of 8-12 reps each
- V- Ups

Target: Core Muscles
How To:
• Lie on the floor with your hands and legs extended in the opposite direction
• Your body should be in a straight line from your fingertips to your toes
• Start lifting your torso and legs together to form a “V”
• Try to touch your toes while making the V-shape
• Come down to the starting position
• Do 1-2 sets of 4-5 reps each
- Single-Arm Overhead Press

Target: Shoulders, Entire Body
How To:
• Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Grab a dumbbell of medium-to-heavy weight in your left hand
• Raise the dumbbell to your shoulder while keeping your wrist inside
• Extend your right hand diagonally for balance
• Lift the dumbbell overhead while squeezing your core
• Hold the dumbbell overhead for a couple of seconds
• Bring it down slowly and change the hand
• Do 2-4 sets of 6-12 reps each
- T- Rotation

Target: Improves core stability, flexibility, and spine mobility
How To:
• Come down to the push-up position with your hands and legs stretched
• Shift your body weight to your left hand to start
• Raise your right hand towards the ceiling
• Rotate your torso up and right until you face sideways
• Here your body will form a T-shape
• Hold the shape for up to 5 seconds
• Come down to the starting position and repeat it with the left hand
• Do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps each
- Bird Dog

Target: Obliques
How To:
• Come down into a tabletop position with your hands and thighs making parallel lines
• Straighten your neck and back and tighten your core to start
• Lift your left arm and right leg simultaneously
• Hold the position for 5-10 seconds
• Assume the tabletop position
• Repeat the exercise with the right arm and left leg
• Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps each
- Heel Taps

Target: Obliques, Abdominal Muscles
How To:
• Lie on your back with your knees flexed, heels near the glutes, and arms by your side
• Lift your neck a little and bend towards the right to reach your right hand to your right heel
• Come down to the original position and repeat it with your left hand
• Do 2-3 sets of 12-16 reps
- Bicycle Crunch

Target: Thighs, Glutes, Abs
How To:
• Lie on your back with your knees flexed
• Place your hands under your head
• Lift your neck and shoulders with the help of your hands
• Raise your left leg and bring it towards your chest
• At the same time, you should push your right elbow to the left knee
• Try touching the left knee with the right elbow
• Come down to the original position and repeat it on the right knee and left elbow
• Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps
- Cross-Body Mountain Climber

Target: Chest Muscles, Hips, Abs
How To:
• Come down into a plank position with your arms and legs stretched
• Flex your right knee and bring it close to the left elbow
• Lower the right leg to its original position
• Flex your left knee and bring it close to the right elbow
• Lower the left leg to its original position
• Start slow but increase the speed gradually
• Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps
The advantage of oblique exercises is that they activate the oblique which further eases the overload on the lower back muscles. Practicing oblique exercises would strengthen your core, enhance your posture, and improve your balance. If you have pain in the lower back or tightness in leg muscles, you can ease the discomfort with oblique exercises.
Disclaimer: The information provided in the blog is for educational purposes only and readers are advised to take proper training and guidance for choosing and practicing oblique exercises.
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